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Synonyms Multiple Choice Worksheet Choose the correct word fo | Dr. Vocab Sahil Mittal Sir™®

Synonyms Multiple Choice Worksheet

Choose the correct word for each provided synonym(s).

1. obstinate, unregenerate, refractory

A. Rescind
B. Comply
C. Reluctance
D. Stubborn
E. Traverse

2. straighten out, see the light, reclaim, regenerate, rectify

A. Staple
B. Counterpart
C. Reform
D. Reluctant
E. Dilute

3. revoke, annul, lift, countermand, reverse, repeal, overturn, vacate

A. Mandatory
B. Glitch
C. Rescind
D. Naive
E. Outbreak

4. staple fiber, staple fibre, basic, raw material

A. Staple
B. Outbreak
C. Stubborn
D. Mandatory
E. Summit

5. similitude, twin, opposite number, vis-a-vis

A. Rescind
B. Stubborn
C. Counterpart
D. Naive
E. Staple

6. deny, track, cover, cross, pass over, get over, get across, cut through, cut across, traversal, transom, trave, crossbeam, crosspiece, span, sweep

A. Traverse
B. Outbreak
C. Rescind
D. Summit
E. Counterpart

7. eruption, irruption

A. Naive
B. Outbreak
C. Reluctance
D. Dilute
E. Glitch

8. hesitancy, hesitation, disinclination, indisposition

A. Staple
B. Outbreak
C. Rescind
D. Reluctance
E. Dilute

9. mandate, mandatary, compulsory, required

A. Staple
B. Glitch
C. Summit
D. Mandatory
E. Traverse

10. bug

A. Strengthen
B. Naive
C. Summit
D. Glitch
E. Staple

11. thin, thin out, reduce, cut, adulterate, stretch, debase, diluted

A. Dilute
B. Reluctance
C. Traverse
D. Counterpart
E. Stubborn

12. summit meeting, peak, crown, crest, top, tip, acme, height, elevation, pinnacle, superlative, meridian, tiptop

A. Summit
B. Comply
C. Reluctance
D. Reluctant
E. Naive

13. loath, loth

A. Reluctant
B. Strengthen
C. Naive
D. Staple
E. Comply

14. follow, abide by

A. Reform
B. Summit
C. Reluctance
D. Comply
E. Counterpart

15. naif, uninitiate, uninitiated, uninstructed, unenlightened, primitive

A. Counterpart
B. Mandatory
C. Naive
D. Strengthen
E. Traverse

16. beef up, fortify, tone, tone up

A. Strengthen
B. Stubborn
C. Reluctance
D. Reluctant
E. Counterpart