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Synonyms Multiple Choice Worksheet Choose the correct word fo | Dr. Vocab Sahil Mittal Sir™®

Synonyms Multiple Choice Worksheet

Choose the correct word for each provided synonym(s).

1. meager, meagerly, stingy, scrimpy

A. Woe
B. treacherous
C. excursion
D. meagre
E. manoeuvre

2. woefulness, suffering

A. Choppy
B. woe
C. manoeuvre
D. treacherous
E. Woe

3. suggest, paint a picture, raise, conjure, conjure up, invoke, stir, call down, arouse, bring up, put forward, call forth, educe, elicit, extract, draw out, provoke, kick up, enkindle, kindle, fire

A. blip
B. Reckon
C. lurk
D. Woe
E. evoke

4. underhand, underhanded, furtive, sneak, stealthy, surreptitious

A. Sneaky
B. treacherous
C. fickle
D. dampen
E. lurk

5. skulk, ambush, scupper, bushwhack, waylay, ambuscade, lie in wait, loiter, lounge, footle, lollygag, loaf, lallygag, hang around, mess about, tarry, linger, mill about, mill around

A. Sneaky
B. assertion
C. dampen
D. lurk
E. jag

6. maneuver, evasive action, tactical maneuver, tactical manoeuvre, play, simulated military operation, tactic, tactics, manoeuver, operate, steer, direct, point, head, guide, channelize, channelise

A. manoeuvre
B. aloof
C. trajectory
D. woe
E. Sneaky

7. pip, radar target

A. Sneaky
B. aloof
C. blip
D. dampen
E. woe

8. debris, dust, junk, rubble

A. Woe
B. assertion
C. detritus
D. lurk
E. Sneaky

9. damp, soften, weaken, break, deaden, moisten, wash, stifle, muffle, mute, dull, tone down

A. dampen
B. assertion
C. Reckon
D. Choppy
E. manoeuvre

10. unreliable, punic, perfidious

A. assertion
B. woe
C. detritus
D. Choppy
E. treacherous

11. distant, upstage

A. Sneaky
B. fickle
C. aloof
D. excursion
E. trajectory

12. woefulness, suffering

A. trajectory
B. lurk
C. woe
D. assertion
E. Reckon

13. dag

A. jag
B. Woe
C. assertion
D. evoke
E. excursion

14. count, think, opine, suppose, imagine, guess, calculate, cipher, cypher, compute, work out, figure, see, consider, view, regard, estimate, count on, forecast, bet, depend, look

A. Reckon
B. treacherous
C. woe
D. Sneaky
E. manoeuvre

15. averment, asseveration, affirmation, statement

A. dampen
B. assertion
C. lurk
D. blip
E. jag

16. volatile, erratic, mercurial, quicksilver

A. dampen
B. manoeuvre
C. fickle
D. Choppy
E. lurk

17. jerky

A. trajectory
B. woe
C. Choppy
D. meagre
E. manoeuvre

18. jaunt, outing, junket, pleasure trip, expedition, sashay, digression

A. aloof
B. evoke
C. dampen
D. excursion
E. assertion

19. flight

A. manoeuvre
B. Woe
C. woe
D. evoke
E. trajectory