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​​Expose Yourself to Good Input Good thinkers always prime the | English as a Foreign Language

​​Expose Yourself to Good Input
Good thinkers always prime the pump of ideas. They always look for things to get the thinking process started, because what you put in always impacts what comes out. Read books, review trade magazines, listen to tapes, and
spend time with good thinkers. And when something intrigues you — whether it’s someone else’s idea or the seed of an idea that you’ve come up with yourself — keep it in front of you. Put it in writing and keep it somewhere in your favorite thinking place to stimulate your thinking.
to prime the pump - to encourage a business, industry, or activity to develop by putting money or effort into it:
...the use of tax money to prime the pump of the state's economy.
to prime - to prepare someone for a situation so that they know what to do
to prime somebody with something
Did you prime her with what to say?
to prime somebody for something
  He had a shower and primed himself for action.
to prime somebody to do something
  He had been primed to say nothing about it.