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Useful linking expressions The list below provide a selection | Learn English

Useful linking expressions

The list below provide a selection of linking expressions that you will find useful in your writing.

1Time sequence

•When/As soon as/ The moment they arrived, the meeting began.
•On hearing the news, we immediately phoned to congratulate them.
•From early childhood/an early age, she showed great aptitude for music.
•Throughout his adult life, he has dedicated himself to helping others.
•Up to that time, she ha never even been abroad.

2 Listing

•First of all, it must be stated that …
•Secondly, it could be argued that …
•Last but nor least, it must be remembered that …
•Finally, it is important to …

3Adding information/emphasizing a point

•He left early – and on top of that/to cap it all, he didn’t pay for his share of the meal. (informal)
•She didn’t really want to see the film, and besides/anyway/anyhow she was too tired to go to the cinema now. (informal)
•The rent i8s reasonable and moreover/furthermore/in addition the location is perfect.
•Not only has he achieved a great deal, but he has also set an example for a generation.
•They want new regulations in the hostel; above all, they want to restrict the noise level in the evenings.
•These new medicines are perfectly safe. Indeed, they can be given to young children.
