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THE KEY DIGITAL MARKETING METRICS AND KPIs (part 2) : Cost | Business English: Marketing and Sales


Cost per Lead (CPL) - стоимость лида

This is an even hotter KPI than the previous! Cost per lead is similar to cost per action, except that you pay for contact information of a person potentially interested in your offer.

FORMULA: CPL = Ad costs / Number of acquired leads

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) - Стоимость привлечения клиента

The customer acquisition cost includes money spent on marketing and advertising. CAC is the cost of convincing someone to buy your product or service

FORMULA: CAC = (total cost of sales and marketing) / (# of customers acquired)
For example, if you spend $36,000 to acquire 1000 customers, your CAC is $36.

Abandon Rate - Коэффициент брошенных корзин

This is the percentage of inbound calls that are canceled before connecting with a call center agent or the percentage of abandoned carts in the retail business.

FORMULA: For call centers: Abandon rate = Abandoned calls / Total number of inbound calls × 100%
FORMULA: For retail businesses: Abandon rate = Number of abandoned shopping carts / Total number of initiated transactions × 100%

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) - Окупаемость расходов на рекламу

Return on ad spend is the amount of revenue your business gets for every dollar spent on ads. Use it as the main metric for each digital marketing campaign and you’ll feel the difference between effective and ineffective campaigns.

FORMULA: ROAS = Revenue derived from the ad / Cost of the ad

Return on Investment (ROI, or ROMI for marketing)
- Окупаемость инвестиций

ROI is the queen of KPIs, even among those who have never heard about analytics! Return on investment is a performance metric that’s used to evaluate the efficiency of a particular investment.

FORMULA: ROI = ((Gain from investment — Cost of investment) / Cost of investment )× 100%