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i'm not exactly what you'd call an eco warrior but i do look i | EnoughIsEnoughGB

i'm not exactly what you'd call an eco warrior but i do look into how this and that, short thinking, panic driven changes aren't necessarily good for the environment. I've banged on for ages as to how the "renewable" fuels in petrol/diesel have major negative side effects, such as destruction of rainforests to grow palm oil for diesel, farmers being forced not to grow crops for food so the govt can have enough crops to produce ethanol for the "renewable" fuel in petrol, cost of petrol/diesel increasing because "renewable" fuel is massively more expensive to produce, hence price increases, lack of food crops pushing up cost of pretty much all food we buy, .

40% of corn produced in USA is now diverted away from food and used to provide the 10% ethanol in gasoline. Half of all palm oil imported into Europe is used in diesel, thats 100 times the amount of palm oil used to produce the 40billion Oreo biscuits produced worldwide. Huge amounts of rainforest has been destroyed in order to produce palm oil for fuels.

Back in the 80s the governments and car manufacturers went for the cheap/easy option of putting catalytic converters on cars, thus hugely increasing the amount of co2 being put out, rather than the better more expensive option of developing "lean burn" engines