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Logo of telegram channel essayielts — IELTS NINERS TEAM I
Logo of telegram channel essayielts — IELTS NINERS TEAM
Channel address: @essayielts
Categories: Languages
Language: English
Subscribers: 1.91K
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If you want to learn English, Our channel is only for you!
🇬🇧For all English learners around the world.
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Our Library: @Books_Encyclopedia
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Ratings & Reviews


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The latest Messages 12

2021-06-09 19:02:21
Mnemotexnika yordamida 1 soatda 100 ta xorijiy so'z eslab qolish texnikasi

Siz 1 soatda 100 ta xorijiy so'z eslab qolishni o'rganasiz, bu esa har qanday tilni o'zlashtirish vaqtini kamida 2-3 baravar qisqartiradi


30-70 ta yangi so'zni avtobusda o'qishga borguncha

200-500 ta yangi so'zni kechgi paytda

500-1000 ta yangi so'zni bir kun bag'ishlab eslab qolasiz

So'zlarni aktivga chiqarishni

So'zlarni uzoq muddatga, doimiy xotiraga o'tqazishni o'rganasiz

100 lab o'quvchilarim bunga guvoh. Kanalimda ko'rib guvoh bo'ling @anvarovclub

Yoz kelishi munosabati bilan

Oddiy narx: ̶1̶4̶9̶.̶0̶0̶0̶ ̶s̶o̶'̶m̶
Aksiya narxi: 59.000 so'm evaziga

14-iyun kuni marafonimizni boshlaymiz, ishtirokchilar soni cheklangan. 33/100. 67 ta joy qoldi.

Mnemonika, xotirani kuchaytirish, lug'at eslab qolish texnikalari, matn yodlash texnikalari, tartib intizom, maqsad qo'yish texnikalarini 14 kun mobaynida birga o'rganamiz.

Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun

1.1K viewsFurqat Abdurayimov, 16:02
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2021-06-07 16:02:08

Ingliz tilida 2 oyda bemalol suhbatlashishni o'rganishni xohlasangiz bizni kurslarimizda ta'lim oling!

Kids English
IELTS - 3 oyda 6,5 -7.0
Hamma yoshdagilarga.

Birinchi Dars uchun pul olinmaydi.
Malakali o'qituvchilar dars berishadi.
Darslar juda arzon narxlarda
Haftada 5 kun
Narxi atigi 300 ming
Haftada 3 kun 200 mingdan
Online darslarimiz ham bor

Manzil: Chilonzor metro. Integro Xona -10

Tel: +998999032925
1.5K viewsFurqat Abdurayimov, 13:02
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2021-06-06 10:35:21
Ingliz tilida "Kayping bormi" qanday tarjima qilinadi
467 viewsJakhan, 07:35
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2021-06-05 13:58:41 List of Prepositional Phrases "AT"

at (a) high speed
at (the) risk (of)
at / by one’s side
at / for a fraction of
at / from the outset
at / in the end
at / on sight
at / on the double
at a / one time
at a disadvantage
at a discount
at a distance
at a glance
at a guess
at a loose and
at a loss
at a low ebb
at a moment’s notice
at a price
at a rate of
at a speed of
at a standstill
at all costs
at all events
at an advantage
at any cost
at any rate
at breakfast
at ease (with)
at face value
at fault
at full strength
at hand
at heart
at home (with)
at issue
at large
at least
at length
at liberty
at most
at night
at noon
at odds with
at once
at one’s best
at one’s discretion
at one’s disposal
at one’s leisure
at one’s request
at peace / war (with)
at play
at present
at random
at sea
at the / in front of
at the age of
at the beginning
at the expense of
at the foot of
at the hands of
at the height of
at the latest
at the mercy of
at the peak of
at the same time
at the thought of
at the time of
at the top of
at this juncture
at times
at war with
at work


Do'stlarga ulashishni unutmang!

923 viewsJakhan, 10:58
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2021-06-03 15:04:59 Useful

Eng ko'p ishlatiladigan iboralar! 1-qism



Hello!/Goodbye! — Salom/Xayr
Good morning! — Hayrli tong!
Good afternoon! – Hayrli kun!
Good evening! – Hayrli kech!


What is your name? – Ismingiz nima?
My name is… — Mening ismim…
Nice to meet you – Tanishganimdan hursandman.
How are you doing? – Qandaysiz?
Can you help me? – Menga yordam bera olasizmi?


Please/ Thank you – Iltimos/Rahmat
Sorry – Kechirasiz
I don't understand – Men tushunmadim.
Please speak more slowly – Iltimos, sekinroq gapirsangiz.
Could you repeat that? – Qaytara olasizmi?


Lets go to… — Keling boramiz
I'm looking for… — …ni qidirib yuribman
Where is …? — … qayerda?
How do I get to …? — …ga qanday yetib olsam bo'ladi?
How do you say that? – Mana buni sizlar nima deysizlar?
How much is this? – Mana bu nech pul turadi?
Can I ask you a question? – Savol so'rasam maylimi?

I am from … — Men …danman
Can you help me practice English? – Ingliz tili bilan shug'ullanishimga yordam berolmaysizmi?
Could you write it down on paper- Buni qog'ozga yozib bera olmaysizmi?
What does this word mean? – Bu so'z nimani anglatadi?
How do you use this word? – Bu so'zni qanday ishlatasizlar?
Did I say it correctly? – To'g'ri aytdimmi?


I am hungry – Men och qoldim
I am thirsty – Chanqadim
I am cold – Men sovuqqotdim
I am feeling sick – Men o'zimni yomon his qilyapman


What time is it? – Soat necha?
This food is amazing! – Taom juda ajoyib ekan!
I need to go now – Men endi ketishim kerak
Today/Yesterday/Tomorrow – Bugun/Kecha/ Ertaga
Can you give me an example? – Menga bir misol ayta olasizmi?
Please wait a moment – Bir daqiqa kuting iltimos

E'tiborni Tortish

Excuse me! – Кechirasiz! (E'tiborni tortish uchun ishlatiladi)
I am sorry to bother you. – Bezovta qilayotganim uchun uzr so'rayman
Does anybody here speak Russian? – Bu yerda kimdir rus tilida gapirmadimi?
I don't speak English very well — Men ingliz tilida uncha yaxshi gapira olmayman
I speak English a little bit. – Men ingliz tilida biroz gaplasha olaman!


Do'stlarga ulashishni unutmang!

609 viewsJakhan, 12:04
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2021-06-03 09:01:32
Janubiy Koreyaga talaba vizasini olish qiyinmi?

Bizda natija gapiradi hattoki universitet kontrak to`lovlari viza chiqganidan keyin!

Shahar: Seoul, Gwangju va boshqa
Dastur: Til kursi l Bakalavr l Magistratura
Talablar: TOPIK 3 yoki IELTS 5.5
Firma to'lovi: 6.000.000 so'm

Til kursi uchun TOPIK yoki IELTS kerak emas, o`qish sentabr oyida boshlanadi, ketish avgust oyi ohirida.

bakalavr va magistraturada 100% gacha GRANT
sertifikati yo`qlar uchun online suhbat asosida qabul
xaftasiga 1-4 kun dars va qolgan vaqtda ishlash imkoniyati

Call center:


Telegram: @Geek_studyedu @Geek_study_470 @geekstudy370

Natijalarimizni ko`rish yoki bizni kuzatib borish uchun: Facebook l VKontakte l Youtube l Instagram l Tik Tok l Telegram
750 viewsFurqat Abdurayimov, 06:01
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2021-06-02 11:31:33


2 kun ichida imtixonlarsiz talaba bo'ling va sentabrdan o'qishni O'zbekistonda 2-kursdan davom ettiring!

Shoshiling joylar soni 2020-2021 uchun atigi 10 dona


Bakalavr darajasi
Magistratura darajasi
Barcha Fakultetlar Mavjud

100% kafolatlangan xizmatlar!
Bepul maslahatlar
Imtihonsiz talaba bo'lish
Ishlash imkoniyati
Arzon kontrakt to'lovi
Hamma sharoitlarga ega bo'lgan va qulay narxdagi yotoqxona
Sifatli ta'lim

YOZDA O'ZBEKISTONGA O'QISHNI KO'CHIRISH IMKONIYATIDAN FOYDALANING! Bunday qulay imkoniyatlarni qo'ldan boy berishni istamasangiz,

Hoziroq biz bilan bog'laning:

+998972630070 | Mahfuza

+998972640070 | Malika

+998934210070 |ADMIN

646 viewsFurqat Abdurayimov, 08:31
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2021-06-02 10:47:03
Useful Verbs & Nouns

to graduate from a university = complete a degree course / to finish university

to enroll on a degree course = put your name down for a degree course

to major in physics = to choose physics as your main subject at university

to attend a lecture = to go to listen to a speaker at university often with a large audience in a lecture theatre

to attend a tutorial = to go to a meeting with a professor usually in small group held in his/her office

To deliver a lecture = to give a talk or presentation

to lecture in media studies = to talk about media studies or to teach media studies at university

undergraduate (n) = someone currently doing their first degree

note-taking = being able to take notes in a lecture while the lecturer is talking

keeping up with the work load = being able to maintain the level of studying required


Do'stlarga ulashishni unutmang!

671 viewsJakhan, 07:47
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2021-06-01 19:09:36
Hampton Academy qaynoq chegirmalarni taqdim etishda davom etadi !


kurslaridan ro'yxatdan o'ting va qaynoq chegirmalarga ega bo'ling

Kursga birinchi yozilgan 5 ta o'quvchi 50 % chegirmaga ega bo'ladi

Bu fanlardan dars beruvchi ustozimiz Mr. Alisher bilan tanishing !

4 yillik tajriba
100 dan ziyod o'quvchilar
o'ziga xos o'qitish metodi

Bepul mock imtihonlari
Dam olish kunlari Speaking club
Movie time
Bepul kitob va daftarlar
Yaxshi o'zlashtirgan o'quvchilar uchun sovg'alar
Yuqori ball olgan mutaxassislardan master classlar

sizlarni kutmoqda !

Bizda online kurslar ham mavjud

Kurslardan ro'yxatdan o'tish: @hampton_academy

Ma'lumot uchun: +998971955955

Manzil: Chilonzor, Bunyodkor ko'chasi 12E

Mo'ljal: Novza metro

Telegram | Instagram | Facebook
885 viewsFurqat Abdurayimov, 16:09
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2021-06-01 08:57:35 IELTS Essay Writing Task – Tips for a Better Score


Map Out Your Ideas.

Be Familiarized With The Common Topics.

Ask Yourself Questions.

Employ Your Personal Opinion.

Manage Your Time.

Take Care of Lexical Resources.

Make Paragraphs.

Complete Your Answer.

Know Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation.

Use Formal Language.

Read article


Do'stlarga ulashishni unutmang!

924 viewsJakhan, 05:57
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