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— On today, March 25, 2021, once again, the the Western-bac | Playlist (Europe Lives)

— On today, March 25, 2021, once again, the the Western-backed Liberal Opposition of Belarus promised & vowed to return to the streets of the major centres of the so-called "Last Dictatorship of Europe" (which ironically was one of the countries in Europe that did not have Lockdowns and curfews because of COVID-19, by the way. The Absolute State of the so-called "western democracies")

The purpose of the today protests is clear and unique, thus the same of the last year ones:
— Remove Alexander Lukashenko from the post of President

However, given the clear view of "Nonviolence" by the dominant liberal factions during the absurd 9 months of continuous protests (The triple of time that Ukraine's Euromaidan lasted), it remains a mystery how the opposition will make such a goal be reached

This raises a question that has long been asked:
— When, at last, would we see an escalation, albeit smaller and more contained than compared to the Ukraine protests, coming from the Belarusian "opposition"?