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Here's the big picture in a nutshell. Trump, Flynn, Lin wood | COVID-LIE EXEMPTIONS

Here's the big picture in a nutshell.

Trump, Flynn, Lin wood, Q, whoever else, is NOT coming to save you. Everyone thinks that the biggest crime of the century is election fraud, and it isn't. The biggest crime is a death serum shot in the arms your family, your friends, your children, your parents, your siblings. The fraud of 2020 pales in comparison to the VAERS site, where 1.8 million people have put reports in of life altering illnesses and death in relation to the death shot. All credible sources say its at least 5 and even up to 10 or 20 times more in actuality than what's reported. This is also worldwide.

Every holiday season, there will be a variant. They hate your joy. Every summer they will let you out for a little while. Its called "yard time" and is standard in every prison system including the one we now live in.

Its been known for 20 or more years that the government can directly control the weather. Natural disasters can be created and averted, but why waste all that potential funding when they have mortgages? What's a few lives anyways?

The federal reserve and the biden cartel controls the value of your money. With a snap they can make you poor and will never try to make you rich. Through the octopus arms of the financial system, you can become bankrupt and lose everything with a simple audit. Their plate is full, but they eyeball your crumbs.

The politicians who locked us in this cage we now call society, make up new mandates and pass them off as laws to fit their needs or the needs of their controllers. They will not stop. They feed off of your misery, because they are the most miserable in the world.

GMOs owned most famously by Monsanto are in almost all processed food. Hydroponic growth could replace this, but its important to them that your nourishment kills you. It will not stop.

98% of the media is owned by people who think of you as dogs. Subhuman. Barely worthy to be slaves. Disposable. A nuiscance, like flies on a crocodiles eye.

Estimates of the world population in 10 years are incredibly scary, and world leaders have agreed to depopulate the earth. This is now common knowledge. Even so, its working.

When people stop taking the shots, start flooding the local political scene with candidates (your town/city), start winning lawsuits to set legal precedent against these monsters in all areas, become self sufficient at least in part, (able to provide food, water, and permanent shelter for yourself) and are so fed up with the system itself that 98% of the population rebukes it, THEN we will see some change! Until then, we suffer. Its up to us, not some storybook savior. Let's also remember that people who commit genocide tend to get away with it historically.