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https://www.bitchute.com/channel/LugVmgGMIGQz/ Pretty interes | COVID-LIE EXEMPTIONS


Pretty interesting stuff happening with our little bitchute channel. Any coincidence that after we put up some really, really good videos that other really, some times really really big channels make a post the next day about a topic that was uploaded to our channel, or those videos/documentaries suddenly appear on theirs? Lol. Told you this was the motherlode. We aren't even half way there ladies and gentlemen.

Keep on keeping on is what we say to those big channel owners who watch us closely. We see you. And we know that you'll never give us a shoutout, never give us a thumbs up or mention us in any way, shape or form. Wont even drop a link to our channel where you originally saw the video. Such is the cost of being truly independent.

Just wanted to let you guys know that your actions aren't unseen. And by all means, keep doing it. Stay tuned guys, its just starting to get good.