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Its been an interesting few months since clog the swamp went l | COVID-LIE EXEMPTIONS

Its been an interesting few months since clog the swamp went live. For those of you who are participating, we thank you. You are currently doing the united states a service whether you realize it or not. Let me catch you guys up on the cliffnotes of what's been going on with us these past 5 months behind the scenes.

First things first, Vinny has decided that he wants to do either a telegram call or zoom meeting, possibly both, for a clog the swamp update. Questions can be posed to him about the things I'm highlighting here in the meeting(s).

So what is clog the swamp? Clog the swamp is a decentralized, growing, and unstoppable mail and email campaign asking questions to federal employees who are legally obligated to answer. As thousands of letters and emails flood their offices, they have no choice but to take notice. It is fully legal, non discriminatory, impossible to prosecute against, and constitutes zero criminal activity of any kind, with or without conjecture from those who it inconveniences. Further details on exactly what it is can be viewed here: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/InQmP04FSnmf/

Now, what's happened since January since all this went live? At first, not a whole lot. A few weeks went by where there was just team building and the word was spreading. People were very interested, and dozens of smaller patriotic groups ranging from 10-50 people took hold of it and ran with it. That momentum continues to this day, which nobody (including us) can track, which is why it is something that can not be stopped.

Around that same time, though expected, Apple and Google removed us *permanently* from their respective play stores. To my own personal knowledge we are only 1 of 4 apps to ever be perma-banned that didn't host criminal activity or pornography. We are in the hall of fame in that respect. According to a manager over at Google, the biggest issue that they had with us was simple: the app was free. So Vinny asked a few questions and as it turns out, had we charged for the app, we probably wouldn't have been perma-banned. Such is the price of patriotism.

Then, we start getting offers from various PAYtriot people and networks who want in. They have no original ideas or at least didn't at the time, and are fully aware that their Trump worship and "decodes" were wearing thin. We were their new cash cow if they could just convince us to play ball. This ranged from exclusive, non compete contracts for freedom armor merchandise, charging for membership to clog the swamp on a 50/50 split of profits, demands of payment for these networks to promote clog the swamp, and offers of cash to fully take over clog the swamp. All offers were politely but firmly declined. So far, no counter offers have come in. We made our point the first time.

Interestingly enough, about a week after our last declination of such hypocritical offers, the spam started showing up. We believe we known who it is and why, and that part is just a "punishment" for not sacrificing our morals for whatever money a PAYtriot master is willing to dole out to us. Its actually kinda sad. I thought we all grew up and didn't throw fits on the playground when we didn't get what we wanted? I suppose not.

Now, the fun begins. The fed accounts start showing up in the chats offering people all sorts of things for unbelievable prices! Fake vaccine cards, memberships to exclusive compounds in far away countries, telling people in our chats that they "know a guy" who can get them a legit QR code for the vax, offers to members of the chats to join far away militia groups (none of the groups that we are familiar with by the way), faux pa willingness to commit violence just to see who agrees with them, even messages to direct members of the chat offering to sell them illegal items. I could seriously go on all day. You guys have seriously done a great job identifying and refusing unlawful entrapment. And for all the time these special agents spend in the chats, I wouldn't be surprised if we red pilled a few of them along the way.