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I'll tell you what I think the problem with most 'high fantasy | Jazzhands FTN

I'll tell you what I think the problem with most "high fantasy" or "sword and sorcery" fiction has become in the past 15 years or so... and this is aside from direct subversion by liberalism to make it more gay and diverse....

The problem is fantasy used to be something created by men who were otherwise deeply grounded in actual history. Writers like Robert E. Howard, J. R. R. Tolkien were primarily history, language or anthropology nerds (not sci-fi/fantasy fiction nerds) so when they set their minds to creating imaginary lands and characters, those worlds were shaped and formed by that deep understanding of the real world.

Classical education has deteriorated to such a degree, knowledge and understanding of history has atrophied so completely, that the people creating fantasy books/comics/movies/video games today have no original point of reference for their creations. They are fans-of-product copying fans-of-product copying fans-of-product which, at some point, originated with someone who actually had a deep sense for history.

You can see this with Warhammer Fantasy (now Age of Sigmar). The first generation of Warhammer creators were a bunch of British history nerds like Rick Priestly. These were guys who knew just as much about real history as any fantasy lore, and they were just as comfortable creating historical wargames as fantasy. But then as time went on, the newer generation of Warhammer writers were guys who only knew Warhammer and other fantasy lore, so you had this phenomenon where you were getting derivatives of derivatives, with a steep deterioration of imagination, originality and quality.

Because the general public is getting more and more dumbed down, people don't even realize the extent of this deterioration of creativity and texture. This is true across all things fantasy, sci fi and comic book these days. If classical education and deep understanding of history is neglected, then you lose that source from which all great fantasy fiction draws its vitality. It would be like a fantasy artist who paints mythical creatures only copying other painters of fantasy creatures, instead of grounding their art in the classical principles of art, physics, lighting, mass, perspective and so on. Eventually their work would degenerate into meaningless incoherence.

And this is the other big problem with modern ultra-derivative fantasy: because it's so far removed from any knowledge of history, actual historical processes or the dynamics of real peoples and history, it loses all relevance and meaning, culturally and politically.

So you have a situation where fantasy becomes another opium for the masses, a kind of delusional virtual reality where rational adults know more about the lore of Batman or Harry Potter than they do the drama and glory of Greece or Rome.

Instead of fantasy being a channel for expression and understanding of deeper historical forces or an exploration of ancient racial dreams and myths, it becomes just another corporate Jewish consumer product to distract, pacify and neuter the masses.

Instead of informing a sense of the epic, the profound and the glorious in history and politics, as the fantasy of Wagner's operas did, this derivative-corporate-consumer-fantasy-product simply distracts depoliticizes and lobotomizes. In that sense, politically it is no different from pornograghy or opioids.

And it specifically preys on satisfying the need for myth, lore and legend among smarter White people, turning them into bugmen, and so neutralizing an important class. This hurts our people politically, but it also is leading to the death and zombification of both high culture and mass culture.

The only solution is a return to classical principles and classical education, especially in art and in history. Individuals can pursue this on their own, and can help foster this in their children, but a society-wide return to classical principles of historical education will only be possible after a political revolution.