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Warren raises many important points about the manner in which | Jazzhands FTN

Warren raises many important points about the manner in which the fantasy genre has been subverted and commandeered to serve a multitude of inherently Jewish ends. One thing I'll add is that one of the major reasons why we've witnessed the explosion of this genre in the past two decades is that fantasy by definition has become such a potent vehicle for allowing Jews to take our history, achievements, attitudes, and aspirations and contort them into whatever reality suits their interests. Blacks and homosexuals are written into medieval storylines as witty or courageous main characters with ease because, at least historically speaking, it cannot be challenged. Jews insert themselves as heroic and affable characters in storylines from antiquity that loosely parallel what they want you to perceive as their version of reality. It's just fantasy after all, goy. Whites are either cast as villains or shifted to the background.

To the casual fantasy enjoyer, this version of reality merely reflects what they've been shown by the media and taught by academia. It's amazing the degree to which these things have all come into perfect alignment, but how else would that be possible without an undeniable Jewish conspiracy? That's the only way it can really work. If Jews lose control of any of these levers, their ability to manage fantasy as soft propaganda quickly becomes untenable.
