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GLOBAL STRIKE TOMORROW #NoMoreWars #StandWithUkraine Link | FFF MAPA Updates

Link for the sharepics below!

Ukraine NEEDS your support.
We’re taking to the streets of cities all over the world tomorrow. Students, schoolchildren, and everyone else - we must stop our daily routine to call for an immediate end to all wars and acts of violence across the world from Ukraine to the Middle East, Afghanistan & beyond. The world is watching Ukraine today, after ignoring the wars in South Sudan, Iraq, Nigeria and the many regions in the global south that have been affected by imperialist and fossil fuels wars during the last decades. We have to end not only the wars but our reliance on fossil fuels in order to break away from the constant cycles of violence in the world.
That's why, during the next weeks, we want to call out the era of fossil fuels, capitalism and imperialism that allows these systemic oppressions. We demand a world where leaders prioritize #PeopleNotProfit .
Demonstrate your support and solidarity, #StandWithUkraine!

You can check the full narrative here:

If you don't have capacity to organise a local strike, please join our digital strike! You can find more information here:

if you're planning a strike in your city add to the list: https://pad.fridaysforfuture.is/p/thursday_solidarity_strikes_%23ukraine

Here you can find all the sharepics!

Announcement sharepic:

Narrative post:

Digital Strike sharepic:

Google drive:

If you have any questions you can contact @luisa_santi (+55 11 94301-4176)