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These service members represent the spectrum of rank, occupati | F4V

These service members represent the spectrum of rank, occupational skill, and experience. Their past and present contributions represent billions of taxpayer dollars and thousands of years of combined experience that has been converted into knowledge and skills that actively protects our nation and its citizens. Their future service is essential to our continued safety in this moment, as well as for the development of the next generation of warriors that will ensure our future security. These men and women – their knowledge, experience, and skill – cannot be replaced quickly or cheaply. One does not have to be a military strategist to discern that dismissing these men and women from the military over an unnecessary vaccine mandate would result in tremendous and immediate national vulnerability (especially considering recent increased threats from China, Iran, ISIS/Taliban, etc). Pursuing such a course of action would be an irresponsible dereliction of duty on the part of those who not only permit it to happen but actively pursue that end. These sentiments are not mine alone. As you are no doubt aware, the Senate Armed Services Committee shares these concerns, as evidenced by the letter Senator Inhofe sent to Secretary of Defense Austin on 18 October 2021.

The vast majority of service members seeking relief from this unjust mandate are not disgruntled troublemakers with a history of defiance or rebellion. They are men and women with impeccable records of faithful and honorable service, who have answered the call of duty without complaint or question for many years. They are the people our country has trusted to use wisdom, judgement, discernment, and discretion in some of its darkest hours in the past; and they have acquitted themselves admirably. Those same men and women of conscience and character are raising their hands now and saying, “Something is not right here. There are many things about this situation that are legally, medically, ethically, morally, and practically concerning. We need to take a tactical/operational pause, and reassess what we are doing and why we are doing it. We are not comfortable with this.”

Out of respect for these service members, out of respect for their collective service and sacrifice, out of respect for their families who have also “borne the battle,” please listen to them.

Join Congressman Long and the 82 representatives that have already signed his petition. Join them in protecting the rights of the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting you and your rights and those of your family and friends, and have done so faithfully for many years. It is now your turn to protect them and their families.

We have done our duty; we are now asking you to do yours.

May God grant you the wisdom to discern the right, and the courage to pursue it.

Thank you for your kind attention and consideration in this important matter.
