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'Civil Disobedience' You need to understand that this is not | Follow the Data with Dr Frank

"Civil Disobedience"

You need to understand that this is not about Covid. Not about masks. Not about elections. This is about control. This is about calling out those who love liberty, and who refuse to be controlled.

They want to control you. How you eat, how you shop, how you vote, how you live. And if they can't, they are gonna call you out.

If they said, "You have to wear this shirt everywhere, or you don't get to fly on airplanes, go shopping, eat at restaurants, or get a haircut." Would you comply?

Psychologists are now saying that people who question the validity of the 2020 election are mentally ill.

I guess we'll have to quarantine all these sick folks in camps. First, we need to identify who they are.

They are the ones not wearing masks.