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'Apostasy' Despite forty years in the music ministry, I left | Follow the Data with Dr Frank


Despite forty years in the music ministry, I left my church and denomination in 2017 because it had abandoned the basic tenets of Christianity. It got to the point where our minister was reluctant to even mention the name "Jesus Christ" because it made us sound "too evangelical."

Uh... excuse me... we are a CHRISTIAN denomination. At least, we were. I had to leave. Of all places, a Christian worship service ought to be where Jesus' name is proclaimed unashamedly.

But there is a time and a place.

When I was president of the Rotary club in 2002, I was faced with an interesting situation. There were several people of the Jewish faith in our club, and I did not want to offend them when we prayed to together. So, I would address "God" in my prayers. After all, we do share the same God.

For 25 years I was also the bass soloist during the High Holy Days celebrations at my local synagogue. I was delighted to sing and sincerely pray their Hebrew prayers with them. People would ask, "Gee, Dr Frank, I thought you were a Christian, yet you pray all those Jewish prayers." My answer... "If it was good enough for Jesus, it is good enough for me."

My point here is that there is a time a place for things, and though I openly share my faith here, I also try to be respectful to my Jewish brothers. I feel a closer kinship with some of my Jewish brothers than I do members of the 'christian' church where I used to serve. And while in Utah, I prayed fervently with Rep Christiansen, who is of the Mormon faith.

Although Fix 2020 is not officially a religious movement, it actually is. The reason we are in the mess we are today is because we have become deeply corrupted as a nation. We have lost our way, and turned from away from God. We are apostate. The symptoms are everywhere, not just in our elections.

Corrupt elections are merely one weapon the enemy is using to destroy our nation. I and others are working fervently to neutralize that weapon.

But the core remedy is repentance.

So it is not an accident that the vast majority of those engaging this movement see this "struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6)

God is calling all of us to repentance.

O, Lord, hear our prayer.