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A 2021 Guide to Meets and Cons: Greetings everyone, first off | Fursuit gifs

A 2021 Guide to Meets and Cons:
Greetings everyone, first off let's address the elephant in the room... We don't have alot of gifs to post in this channel lately. And the reason why is lack of meets and cons thanks to the pandemic, so until those get back going again posts will be limited which sucks...

But since there are some meets and cons slated to go on this year here's some tips for you to follow if you plan to attend any meets or cons in 2021

Vaccine - First off GET VACCINATED it's out now and even though there is a waiting list there are also no excuses. Personally I'd ban people from my meets, even from my con if you didn't get vaccinated... But I don't run a con so that power I do not have. Sadly though some anti vaxxers do exist in our fandom OR prior skeptical about the 95% effective vaccines, which is why

Wear a Mask - Dispite getting vaccinated you should wear a mask. "Why I got to wear a mask if I got vaccinated?" As stated above anti vaxxers and skeptics. These people sad to say are dangerous and might have covid and don't know it so avoid at all costs unless they get vaccinated

Social Un-Distancing - This one is gonna be a fun one that I hope engulfs 2021 but not right away obviously. After being a part for so long meets and cons will bring us together again. Weather they incorporate Social Distancing or not time and policy will tell. But as furries we can't stay far apart for ever and we will end up hugging and snugging each other again because Furries. And meets. And cons. And squee, but I must note hugs should only be given to those who want them,and to swing to a safer side of town only hug close friend and family Only in 2021. In 2022 you can hug strangers again, but again only if they want to.

Hotel Room- Some of y'all are gonna hate me for this one, but. If you don't have the money, don't cram yourself into a con space. Not this year. Hotel rooms should only be reserved for family and close friends only... Not just any fur, sorry. It's safer that way imo

Sanitization - (E621^2) 6 hours sleep, 2 meals a day, 6 feet apart, 2 showers a day 1 bottle of sanitizer... Yes there are two Economic 621 rules for extra safety but bottom line is be clean and you'll be in sheen

Lastly there are skeptics who won't take the vaccine or there are the "omg vaccine, still staying in side though" or the "Nothing is safe, hiding forever, never coming out though" type people; er... furs in the fandom and to those I say stay home, no judgement will be given, just as people shouldn't judge people going outside trying to have fun as this pandemic final comes to a close soon. So, that said... Stay safe stay well