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So... The Holocaust is a fiction; Adolf Hitler was a Christia | Galaxy Verge


The Holocaust is a fiction;
Adolf Hitler was a Christian.

The Cuban Mafia killed JFK,
keeping Israeli nukes from light of day.

The Titanic killed four bankers.
Rockefellers own news anchors.

And the Rothschilds' 500 trillion,
Georgia Guidestones' 500 million,

keep the public in a haze:
cowards living out their days.

"28 hundred goy slaves
for each Jew," the rabbi raves.

Satan's Zionists did 9/11;
such dishonesty is under Heaven!

USA was founded by Satanists.
Jewish porn and rape is just wasting us;

demoralized, destabilized,
subversive crisis normalized,

all the children memorize
lies while government denies

genocidal immigration:
fake Jews war against white nations.

Their deceit corrupts and chains your soul;
trusting God and Christ should be your goal.

Everyone is fast asleep...
Now leave your message at the beep.

-- GXV @galaxyverge