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And I have found that it is all about land and money. Palestin | Galaxy Verge

And I have found that it is all about land and money. Palestine, specifically, for the seat of the anti-Christ. The fraud that is the US Government, institutionalized by Freemasonic Satanists in 1776 (Thomas Paine, Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Adams, et al. -- just read what they wrote in their letters to each other) and harvested by the Rockefellers and captured by the Rothschilds in 1871, is controlled by people whose "religion" literally has an anti-Christ doctrine that considers outsiders (me and you) as barnyard cattle: "goyim". That is why all this subversion and genocide of our people is happening here and in Europe -- mass immigration genocide of the white race is what they say on video that they want and is where their money goes. And the Rothschilds have about 500,000,000,000,000 dollars... or just infinite money, really, given compound interest and virtual digital fiat currency. They worship Lucifer. And they are everywhere. Education system. Hollywood. News media. Government. Banks. Pharmaceutical industry. Black Lives Matter and AntiFa (which was in Germany and Austria in 1938). Technology industry. Cotton and textile and clothing industry. Oil industry. Slave trade industry. Diamond industry. Environmentalism. Social media corporations. World Economic Forum. World Trade Organization. World Health Organization. East India Trading Company. And so on. They are the proclaimed political "heroes" like Nelson Mandela. They have demoralized and destabilized white families, mocking us with their invented porn industry and transgender Victoria Secret models and anti-white "activism". And each of them says that they want us dead. 500 million maximum world population according to their Georgia Guidestones manifesto for "an age of reason" (the title of Thomas Paine's book) and when their anti-Christ Messiah who proclaims world peace comes each "Jew" (actually Satanist, see Revelation 2:9 and 3:9) gets 2300 goy slaves according to their rabbis. They have quite a long history of atrocities and over 1000 correlating expulsions from civilizations around the world since 1200 BC. How then shall we change this felonment, which controls all money in a fake social hierarchy, and which was formed by, and is operated (technically illegally) by, foreign Satanists whose explicit desire is to rape our minds (by the media) and murder us all?

Perhaps people will come to know the truth, and then the truth will set us free.

Kind regards in Christ,
