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Immigration, miscegenation, and the extinction of Whites in th | GALLIA DAILY | Voice of France

Immigration, miscegenation, and the extinction of Whites in the United States:

Mathematical simulations based on current trends predict that with zero immigration...
- Unmixed Whites with >95% European ancestry will go extinct in 6 generations (168 years).
- People with >80% European ancestry will go extinct in 8 generations (224 years).
- People with >50% European ancestry will go extinct in 12 generations (336 years).

If immigration continues but decreases by 20% each generation, extinction occurs approximately one generation earlier.

Extinction via miscegenation is the most common form of extinction in human history. Notable examples include: Neanderthals mixing with Homo sapiens; Tocharians mixing with Uyghurs; Scythians mixing with various East Asians (Xiongnu, Huns, Turks); and, of course, Latin American Whites mixing with Amerindians and Africans to become Latinx.

(Simulations: Eleazar 2019 & 2020)