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#CyberTalks #CyberAwareness How to protect Systems from Ranso | GeekCode

#CyberTalks #CyberAwareness

How to protect Systems from Ransomware?

• Audit events and take inventory. Audit both event and incident logs to spot suspicious behavior. Take note of all assets and data. Identify authorized and unauthorized devices and programs.

• Configure and monitor. Manage hardware and software configurations. Only grant administrative privileges when necessary.

• Patch and update. Conduct regular vulnerability assessments and patching or virtual patching for operating systems and programs. Update software and applications.

• Protect systems and recover data. Administer data protection, backup, and recovery measures. Implement multifactor authentication (MFA).

• Secure and defend layers: Perform sandbox analysis to filter malicious emails. Employ security solutions to all layers of the system such as email, endpoint, web, and network.

• Train and test. Conduct regular training and security skills assessment for employees. Perform red-team exercises and penetration tests.
