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Today, while checking out at the store, the girl that was bagg | General Fully Exposed

Today, while checking out at the store, the girl that was bagging my groceries wore a pentagram necklace. I asked her what it was. She said that it was a Baphomet. I asked her if she was a satanist. She said "no, Baphomet is different than satan".

I asked if she was devil worshipper, she said "no". I asked if she was a witch. She said, "sometimes".

At that point I decided that I didn't want her bagging my groceries or carrying them out to the car as they are custom to do, as I didn't want to chance her curse or negative energy clingy to me, however, I didn't have the heart to reject her so when she proceeded to push my cart out of the store I couldn't reject her.

I prayed to God, "what do I say to her? I don't even know." But, I felt that there was a reason for me being alone with her and that I must use that time to witness to her. I didn't feel adequate or good enough to witness to her because I know I'm still a sinner.

As we approached my vehicle I asked her again about her necklace and what it meant. She told me that I was the only that has ever asked about it. I asked her what she meant when she said that sometimes she's a witch.

She told me that sometimes when people hurt her she is a witch and does spells on them.

I told her that whenever she does a spell on people that she is conjuring demons and that demons don't work for free, that whenever she asks them to do something for her that she will owe them. I told her that witchcraft is of the devil and that the devil doesn't work for free.

I then told her about how all my life, if anyone wronged me that I would pray to God about it and in His justice He would repay them without me having to do anything. I also told her that Jesus promised us a place without hurt, death, sorrow, tears as read in Revelations 21:4 and that there is nothing in this world that would make me want to miss out on the promises Jesus gave us.

I petitioned her, Heather is her name, that if she seeks God with her whole heart, spirit and soul that He would show Himself to her.

I told her that I didn't want anything bad to happen to her but that I know that those who use witchcraft are really using demons and they will demand something from them; that those who I have known to use witchcraft end up sad and hating life. While I am alone, my God has blessed me and my children, we have a great life. I asked her to please ask God to show Himself to her, if He's true as I say He is that He will show Himself to her. She said "ok".

I told Heather that she was a beautiful child of God and the only way satan can hurt God is by hurting her, His child. I also told her that I couldn't live with myself had I not warned her. I wasn't there to judge her, but that I loved her and that I wanted her to experience eternity in peace with me and Jesus.

These words came to me without hardly a thought. I didn't even know what to say to her, but God provided the words.

Pray for Heather and all the lost souls.

Pray also for yourselves to speak up.