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Average Rating The most important factor for keeping your acco | Reviewers Germany

Average Rating
The most important factor for keeping your account safe is to have an average of 4.2 stars (rating) or less for all your reviews. For this purpose, you should review your normal orders which purchased out of Reviewers Channels and which you are not happy with their quality, with a rating that they deserve.
If you do not have any purchase other than our channel, you can surf Amazon and find cheap products with low stars. You can buy them, review them with the same score that they already have and return them to Amazon.
Remember giving 1-star to a product with 5-star average rating or giving 5-star to a product with 1-star average rating is not safe. Try to review items with plus/minus maximum two stars difference from their current rating.
Please kindly note an order from Reviewers Channels with less than a 5-star review cannot be refunded. If you are not happy with the quality of our products, please return them to Amazon. If two persons return an item we will stop promoting that item.
Other important factors to keep your account safe are: not to review too many items per months, and to take at least 5 to 10 minutes after finding the product to see the photos and read the descriptions before checking out.
Reviewers Info @ReviewersInfo