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One Liner General Knowledge ============================== | Current affairs Exam ESIC

One Liner General Knowledge

Capital of Finland is?
➨ Helsinki.

The boundary 'Durand Line' is between Pakistan and?
➨ Afghanisthan.

Headquarter of SAARC is in?
➨ Kathmandu, Nepal.

Who wrote the book 'City of Joy'?
➨ Dominique Lapierre.

Which gland regulates the amount of water excreted by the kidneys?
➨ Pituitary gland

What is the capital of Dadar and Nagar Havelli?
➨ Silvassa.

Which Indian freedom fighter was popularly called 'Mahamana' ?
➨ Madan Mohan Malaviya.

'Anandmath' was written by which Bengali writer?
➨ Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

What is the name of first indigenously developed Super Computer of India?
➨ Param

Who is the first indian Tenis player to win boy's Australian Open Junior Title?
➨ Yuki Bhambri.

In terms of area, which is the smallest state in India?
➨ Goa.

Who founded Forward Block political party?
➨ Subhash Chand Bose.

Which architect designed the city of Chandigarh ?
➨ Le Corbusier.

The boundary line demarcating India and Pakistan is known as?
➨ Radcliffe Line.

Which mughal emperor built 'Jama Masjid'?
➨ Shahjahan.

The ultimate source of energy in an ecosystem is?
➨ Sun.

Who was the first indian woman to scale the Mount Everest?
➨ Bachendri Pal.

What is the difference in time between Indian Standard Time (IST) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)?
➨ 05:30 hours.

What is the longest English word that doesn't repeat a letter?
➨ Uncopyrightables.

Which dynasty built Khajuraho temples?
➨ Chandelas