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072. Thanks to… -> similar meaning with “Because of” , expres | ⚜️English House⚜️

072. Thanks to…

-> similar meaning with “Because of” , express gratitude being due to someone or something; with the benefit of help from

Thanks to their help, we accomplished the task on time.
Thanks to computers, lots of tasks are now easier.
Thanks to your timely warning, I didn’t make a mistake.
Thanks to your stupidity, we lost our game.


A: I’m so glad we won the game.
B: Thanks to you, you scored the final goal and won.
A: Actually, you deserve the credit. Thanks to you, the ball was passed to me and I scored.
B: Yeah, we all worked together.
A: I hope that we can win the next game.
B: If we work together like we did this past game, I’m sure we will.
