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Hiking From French Embassy to Yaya village (Entoto) Sunday, Fe | Great Hikers Ethiopia

Hiking From French Embassy to Yaya village (Entoto)
Sunday, Feb 6
Reservation: @0912618100/0911687301
Location: Addis Ababa
Elevation : 3000 M
Technical difficulty: moderate
Trail type: one way
Moving time: 6-7 hrs
Weather: Cloudy/Rain
Average hiking Distance:15-20 km
Cost: 600 birr/ head
Meeting place: Morning 7:30 AM sunbird cafe (next to bole NOC)
Car leaves @ 8:00 am
We provide 2 liters of Water & fruit (bananas) as snacks.
Advised to bring: proper hiking fittings, raincoat, sunscreen, hat, backpack to carry your water, and your own food/snack.