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One of the most motivating and inspiring components of Growora |

One of the most motivating and inspiring components of Growora is finding information that "they" don't want us to know. Couple of interesting facts we should all consider when listening to mainstream medical advice:

Did you know "Cancer" is protected by law.

The UKs 1939 "Cancer Act" makes it ILLEGAL to treat cancer with anything other than Surgery, Radiation and Chemo poisoning.

It just doesn't make any sense why anyone would think it would be beneficial for a cancer patient to receive high doses of radiation when the body is already weak.

Unless we open our eyes to the medical industrial complex and their desire to keep humanity sick, people will keep dying needlessly. As Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante says, "hospitals are where most people go to die." This isn't entirely true, but for the most part, hospitals aren't there to heal us.


Did you know HIV and Aids is another Fauci conspiracy. There is loads of evidence to say that HIV is harmless, more common then we think and in fact, it's the expensive, life long pharmaceuticals that are causing the very disease they claim to be stopping.

It seems that most seemingly uncurable diseases can actually be cured with the right diet, supplements, thinking and some other well kept secrets like MMS (big pharma don't want you to know about this, because it helps us cure everything for little to no cost.)

Here's a couple of great videos you should check out if you or a family member are currently suffering from disease (even from the vaccines..)

A Humble Journey - Sasha Stone meets Jim Humble (the man who brought Chlorine Dioxide a.k.a MMS to the mainstream):

HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud? A Stephen Allen film (exposing the real truth about HIV and AIDs, reconfirming what we already know about Fauci and his cronnies)