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Been on a VERY crazy dig for a few days, you wouldn't believe | 🔥🔥GuidoAndEscanor🔥🔥

Been on a VERY crazy dig for a few days, you wouldn't believe the findings.

What if I told you there are at least 10, (at the VERY least) religions that directly mirror the core beliefs of Christianity?

I have always asked why don't Christians today act like the Christians of Biblical times.

I have a few thoughts...

What if the ORIGINAL God's word was great, so great and so absolutely bulletproof, that no ruler could oppress their subjects? Followers were commanded to obey the scriptures and it kept rulers and subjects as equals, until...

Book burnings, wars, etc etc, and then the teachings change at direction of the government. Teach the very same premise, the Trinity, the deity at the very top, but invade here and there and burn books and churches.

What if we were supposed to stand up to things that are wrong, regardless of what we are commanded to do by authority, and that part of the teachings was removed to enslave?

End times, savior, destruction of Earth, same movie again and again, it's all there. I've seen quite a few that match.

If Christianity was a lie, and that's a big if, but if it was I would say that from so many passed down traditions and teachings, that nobody could ever rid the world of God and His story. Too many would have known and called it out.

Germany may have the body of Christ in a tomb,very possible, I will make a thread with my findings if anyone is interested. There are many videos breaking down the religious beliefs throughout history.

And a strange idea, what about Valhalla? If the world believed in Valhalla, oppression would be non-existent...

This rabbit hole gets intense, we all may believe the same thing across the world, but the origins may shock you...

And a last note: I am not questions Jesus or God being real, I'm question who is telling the story and PAYING for the books to be printed and given to people for free, and running the churches, funding them, and basing things on God (like Government).

PRIME example, why were we able to figure out what was going on BEFORE the people that are in church every Sunday? How did we beat them to it? Because the churches are 501c3... And why do ALL of the "biblical" events happening appear to be perpetrated by Government?

Let's think about this. The group funding churches, and printing bibles, paying for you to study the religion our country was founded on, that warns of Pestilence, Earthquakes, floods, storms, death, famine, etc, are also CAUSING these events (RE: Covid, HAARP, flooding from underground in Germany, executive orders blocking property, manufactured food crises in United States/India and elsewhere, etc) yeah it's the same group.

I ask you, are you going to stop trusting the plan and letting deceptive people guide you into a direction that regardless of which one you choose, requires blind trust?


If you don't believe me, that's fine, I can prove everything I say. You can call me a liar, heretic, shill, whatever you want. The fact is, I'm pressing on your box. Revelation may be the scare event, but who is pressing the buttons?

Deception isn't limited to lying, things can just not be told, or not made clear. Perfect example, find a scripture that says Jesus was born on December 25th, I'll wait.

I'll make a thread to show you what I mean, but someone burned books and pushed bible propaganda many times throughout history, all very similar wit differences here and there. I'm studying to find out the oldest versions of monotheistic religion, and how it started.

If you haven't noticed, the Church-goers and Bible studiers are the ones under the magnifying glass, I'm just trying to figure out who is holding it... Atheists mostly have no idea anything is even going on lol. Ask one