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CFT seems to believe the gift and fulfillment of the unconditi | Heirs of the Promise

CFT seems to believe the gift and fulfillment of the unconditional promises we have inherited are to be earned, or lost, through works. You earn a "wedding garment" if you are good enough on earth (Not through being born into the married family), and this clothing allows you to avoid the punishment of sin, not the death of Yahweh releasing us. You must also remember and confess to every sin you have committed, while on earth, lest you miss out on forgiveness you must earn (Misrepresented 1 John 1:9).

I believe this error stems from their equating forgiveness for sin, with salvation from the punishment of sin. You can forgive a child for drawing on the walls, however the crayon is still there and the spanking still happened. God not only forgives us but saved us from the punishment of death we, under the law, must have faced. While CFT is correct that we should not let having white skin overtake the importance of good deeds. If one uses God's sacrifice as a get out of jail free card, he likely isn't "truly" Christian to begin with, and using those that do as an example of why Israel can only be saved through works is backwards, inaccurate and scripturally unfounded.

True CI writing "The Good Message"

True CI message from our friend in the comments...
A very good case can be made for racial salvation based on the three verses that say ‘all Israel is saved’ (Romans 11:26, Isaiah 45:25, Isaiah 45:17 ) in the Bible. That is three witnesses. And then there are many supporting verses, such as ‘every knee shall bow’ and verses where Paul tells us about the fornicator and the Judgement of the Adamic man (1 Corinthians 3, 1 Corinthians 5). At Romans 11:26 Paul is actually speaking about unbelief, about the hardness of hearts in Judea.

CFT didnt mention Isaiah 45:25; it says “all the seed”.
Israel is a race.

A very strong case. Based on the plain words of Scripture. Certainly a good proof for racial salvation. Later we see Christ judging the nations and He divides by ethnos (the judgement of nations at Matthew 25).

To dismiss these witnesses CFT seems to use verses that have multiple valid interpretations. While Isaiah clearly says ‘all Israel is saved’ the verses CFT cites could be interpreted to be in agreement with racial salvation very easily. I would suggest that it is better to interpret such verses as CFT cites in respect of Isaiah rather than trying to reinterpret Isaiah with verses that have multiple possible meanings. It is a better approach, objectively speaking. We must have an approach that honestly seeks to understand the message of Scripture, to conform ourselves to Scripture with humility. CFT’s case relies on a flawed approach IMO. It isn't a very strong case because of it’s methodology. As I have explained.

I would rather interpret the verses CFT cites in respect of the plain meaning of Isaiah. I accept what the prophet says as true. I believe his report ; racial salvation is the Bible.

I look forward to the day when the traitors of our race receive their reward. They will have everlasting contempt which may be worse than death.

While many white folk will come to Christ so that their good works may be manifest.

When I profess racial salvation, that does not mean that all white folk will have an equal reward or that traitors will be happy since they will have no reward.

Now they have a new theory that Edomites were pure whites and the reason for Esau's failure was marrying pagans. Yet Jacob married pagan daughters of Laban, it is a racial issue and they have no clue what they are talking about. These people are failures...