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Yahweh is ONE. Period. (Deut 6:4) He will manifest Himself as | Heirs of the Promise

Yahweh is ONE. Period. (Deut 6:4)
He will manifest Himself as He so pleases and in as many ways simultaneously as He could desire. (Matt 3:16, Exo 3:4 etc.)
Yahweh is The Father. (Isa 64:8)
Christ is the Image of the Person of Yahweh. (Tim 2:5-6)
The Father came down as one of his own sons. (Heb 2:16)
Yahshua - YHWH SAVES - Christ is His Tabernacle. (Exo 14:30 "Yahweh saved", Eze 37:26-28; Isa 12:6)
Indeed the Son and the Father are one. (John 10:30)
Hence Christ can be the root and offspring of David. (Rev 22:16; Mat 22:41-46)

Through biblical scripture, you can come to the conclusion that Yahweh, which is the name of the Father, (Isa 64:8) who is our God; is required to have come down and lived as one of His own sons (Heb 2:16) and die as a man in order to release Israel from the Marriage Bonds and Remarry Israel (Acts 20:28, Hosea 2:19-20). This could not be accomplished without Yahweh's ability to transcend His creation, keep His Law, and come as His own son. The Husband must die to free the woman from judgement
(Rom 6:20-23; 7:1-6).

1 Cor 8:6 but to us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Prince (Lord), Yahshua Christ, through whom are all things, and we through Him.

John 20:28-29
Thomas answered and said unto him, My Prince (Lord) and my God.
Yahshua says to him: “Because you have seen Me you believe! Blessed are those not seeing and believing!”

Those against our position will be quick to recycle verses the churches have manipulated into their favor, have outright fabricated, or even truthful verses that have been misunderstood. They don't understand that these verses are of no use to their position. "What about" is not a proof and is besides the point. For example, one of these "silver bullet" verses is John 17:5, but they do not know the whole scriptures and cannot interpret the verse in such a manner without conflicting verses such as Isaiah 42:8, in a prophecy of the Gospel: “I am YHWH: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images”.

They need a correct method to scripture. It can't contradict, so we must seek objective verses (Isa 9:6, John 14:8-9) to interpret the rest.

This is not a Catholic, Orthodox, or any other Judeo-Christian group. We are not Trinitarian, and do not subscribe to any of these Church lingo-isms littering the academic scope of Christianity serving to pigeon-hole any belief oppositional to the mainstream churches. We do not need Platonists or other pagan philosophers to understand and dictate what Yahweh has said. Frilly priests and their vain rituals for luring in unsuspecting Christians to save themselves through works and tithe are also to be avoided like a plague. These things are not Christian.

With that said I encourage you to stray from this heresy. As a full fleshed argument would be hard to fit into one post, we have linked plenty of articles, commentaries, and essays that add to and explain what we believe found below. I would recommend "Who is Your Savior" and it's commentary.

Haast "Why I Believe Oneness"
Joe "Christian Identity or Trinitarianism"
Comparet "Who is Your Savior"
Emahiser "Holy One"
Emahiser "Yahweh singular-ELOHIM"
Emahiser "The Day The Word Became Flesh"
Finck Review of "Who is Your Savior"
Finck Review of "The Day The Word Became Flesh"
Finck John Series