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Why does our foreign policy revolve around one specific foreig | Holocaust II

Why does our foreign policy revolve around one specific foreign country, financed through American tax dollars?

Why does the ADL say that a one state solution for Israel is immoral because it would render Jews a minority in their homeland, but also states that America needs to diminish its White population for the sake of multiculturalism?

Why are the biggest advocates of this exercise Jewish groups under the doctrine of welcoming the stranger?

Why can't Americans receive Covid relief, but Israel can receive repeated giveaways of our tax dollars almost at will?

Why are Jews, 2% of the population, overwhelming represented in Joe Biden's cabinet above all other ethnicities?

How does the ADL, an organization that was founded to defend Leo Frank, a factory manager that raped and murdered 13 year old gentile girl Mary Phagan, have so much influence on big tech and the FBI?

Why isn't AIPAC registered as a foreign lobby?

And that's just off the top of my head. Notice I never once mentioned the Holocaust.