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George Martin isn't happy with the Internet: The author of A S | Movie Insider

George Martin isn't happy with the Internet: The author of A Song of Ice and Fire accused users of being bitter

According to Martin in a recent podcast, because of the development of technology, he has to deal with so much dirt that he previously managed to avoid. Sometimes it gets to the point where he's even asked about the release of a new book during holiday greetings.

"I can get a hundred positive comments, but there will still be a few fans who remind me of it on the blog or elsewhere. I write, 'Happy Thanksgiving!' And they write back to me, "I don't care about Thanksgiving, where's the book, where is it?"

I love my fans, but I still think Twitter and other social media have created a bitterness I haven't encountered before. Love and hate are very close, especially when it comes to comic books or famous franchises," Martin added.