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A способный погружаться под воду soft robot survived the pres | IELTS articles

A способный погружаться под воду soft robot survived the pressure in the Mariana впадина

A silicone robot has survived a journey to 10,900 metres below the ocean’s surface in the Mariana trench, where the crushing pressure can подвергнуть сильному сжатию, взорвать all but the strongest корпусы приборов, содержимое . This device could lead to lighter and more проворным, быстрым submersible designs.

A team led by Guorui Li at Zhejiang University in China based the robot’s design on snailfish, which have relatively delicate, soft bodies and are among the deepest-living fish. They have been observed swimming at depths of more than 8000 metres.
