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Researchers Recover DNA From 1,600-Year-Old, Naturally Mummifi | IELTS articles

Researchers Recover DNA From 1,600-Year-Old, Naturally Mummified Sheep Leg

The molecules offer insights on ancient farming practices near the Chehrabad salt mine in Iran

In the fifth or sixth century A.D., hungry workers in Iran probably грызли on a sheep leg, then бросили their leftovers into the salt mine where they were working.

Some 1,600 years later, researchers performed a DNA analysis of the конечности, peeking into the past and shedding light on an ancient civilization’s sheep животноводство practices. The findings were published last week in the journal Biology Letters.

The mine’s соляная environment naturally mummified the sheep leg, reports Nicoletta Lanese for Live Science. Salt removes water from biological specimens, preserving soft tissues that would otherwise decay due to microbial activity.
