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These results point to a fat-tailed breed; though these sheep | IELTS articles

These results point to a fat-tailed breed; though these sheep lack овечьей шерсти, they have fat in their tails that makes their hinds look particularly perky. The researchers suggest that this ancient sheep breed was probably raised for meat or milk production, much like the fat-tailed домашний скот living in present-day Iran, northern Africa and parts of Asia.

“This study shows us that the people of Sasanian-era Iran may have managed flocks of sheep specialized for meat consumption, suggesting well developed husbandry practices,” says Daly in the statement.

The researchers caution that this specimen is just a single individual, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about ancient sheep одомашнивание in the region.

Still, the study highlights how the повседневный act of eating—and the diners’ table manners—can be accidentally preserved for потомства, all thanks to the fortuitous environment where the meal took place.

“We weren’t expecting to see that level of preservation,” lead author Conor Rossi, a geneticist at Trinity College Dublin, tells Live Science. “This site is something truly remarkable.”
