🔥 Burn Fat Fast. Discover How! 💪



amorphous - having no definite form or distinct shape
ample - more than enough in size or scope or capacity
anachronism - locating something at a time when it couldn't have existed
analogous - similar or equivalent in some respects
anecdote - short account of an incident
animosity - a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
annihilate - kill in large numbers
anomaly - deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule
anonymous - having no known name or identity or known source
antagonism - an actively expressed feeling of dislike and hostility
antecedent - someone from whom you are descended
anthropomorphic - suggesting human features for animals or inanimate things
anticipate - be excited or anxious about
antipathy - a feeling of intense dislike
antithetical - sharply contrasted in character or purpose
apathy - an absence of emotion or enthusiasm
aptitude - inherent ability
arbitrary - based on or subject to individual discretion or preference
arcane - requiring secret or mysterious knowledge
archaic - so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period
varchetype - something that serves as a model
ardent - characterized by intense emotion
arduous - characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
aristocratic - belonging to or characteristic of the nobility
artifice - a deceptive maneuver, especially to avoid capture
ascetic - characteristic of the practice of rigorous self-discipline
aspire - have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
assimilation - the process of absorbing one cultural group into another
assuage - provide physical relief, as from pain
atone - make amends for
attest - provide evidence for
attire - clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
attribute - a quality belonging to or characteristic of an entity
attribution - assigning to a cause or source
audacious - disposed to venture or take risks
audible - heard or perceptible by the ear
augment - enlarge or increase
augur - predict from an omen
augury - an event indicating important things to come
auspicious - indicating favorable circumstances and good luck
austere - severely simple
authentic - conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief
authoritarian - characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule
authoritative - of recognized power or excellence
avarice - reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth
avenge - take action in return for a perceived wrong
aversion - a feeling of intense dislike
avid - marked by active interest and enthusiasm
avuncular - resembling an uncle in kindness or indulgence
awe - an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration
