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2022-04-14 06:15:03
Cambridge instant IELTS

Ready to use tasks and activities

2.3K views03:15
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2022-04-12 06:13:48 IELTS Writing Task 2

More and more people today are moving away from where their friends and family live. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Some feel the growing tendency for individuals to move away from where their friends and family live is a decidedly negative phenomenon. In my opinion, the perceived downsides related to social disintegration are overstated and do not supersede the benefits for individuals.

On the one hand, living apart from friends and family weakens social bonds. An individual living together with their family or a close group of friends will naturally spend time with them talking, preparing meals, doing housework, and generally being together. Strong bonds develop and the inverse is true as time apart typically leads to more tenuous emotional connections. For instance, a person who moves to a new country after university is likely to make new friends and may stay in touch with former connections as a formality. Over time, this person might feel lonely and struggle to maintain long-term relationships.

On the other hand, moving is often a catalyst for individual growth. Someone who moves to a new country for work or study is likely to encounter people from different backgrounds with a greater number of viewpoints and experiences than their former friends and family. Interacting with new people can lead to a broader range of interests and a keener understanding of other cultures. Moreover, many individuals leave their hometowns in order to escape toxic situations. Families can be controlling and limiting, either intentionally or unintentionally, and moving to a new location allows a person to choose their friends, break old patterns of behavior, and achieve better mental health.

In conclusion, despite the threat of weakened familial and friendship bonds, there are significant benefits for the individual that make this trend positive. A balance is needed but this change is not inherently objectionable.

4.3K views03:13
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2022-04-11 12:39:42 IELTS Writing Task 1 — jadvallar bilan tanishamiz!

Ko‘p nomzodlar Writing Task 1 nisbatan osonroq deb hisoblashadi. Ammo, bu topshiriqdan hamma ham "silliqqina" o‘tib keta olmaydi. Ayniqsa, jadvallar va ularning turlariga jiddiy qaramaganlar.

Writing Task 1 da asosan 7 xil jadval bo'yicha topshiriq beriladi:

Bar chart — ma‘lumotlar gorizontal va vertikal joylashgan diagramma. Bar chart IELTS imtihonida eng ko‘p uchraydigan jadvallardan hisoblanadi.

Line graph — nisbatan murakkab bo‘lgan chiziqli jadval. Bu jadvalda ma‘lumotlarni chalkashtirib yubormaslik juda muhim.

Table chart — faqat raqamlar va hisoblardan iborat tasvirsiz jadval.

Pie chart — nisbatan kam uchraydigan jadvallardan biri. Dumaloq shaklda, turli foiz ulushlari va miqdorlarni qiyoslab tahlil qilish talab etiladi.

Process diagram — unda ma‘lum bir jarayon tasvirlanadi, masalan suv oqimining yo‘nalishi, binoning isitish tizimi yoki ishlab chiqarish jarayoni.

Map — xarita tasviri ko‘rinishidagi jadval bo'lib, unda ma‘lum bir hududda muayyan vaqt ichida kuzatilgan o‘zgarishlarni tavsiflash talab qilinadi.

Multiple graphs — bittadan ortiq turdagi jadvallardan iborat bo‘ladi. Masalan, ba‘zi ma‘lumotlar "Pie chart" ko'rinishida taqdim etilsa, qolgan qismi "Table chart" shaklida ko‘rsatiladi.

Siz ushbu jadvallardan qay birida ko‘proq qiyinchilikka duch kelasiz? Bu haqida izohlarda yozib qoldiring, sizga yordam berishga harakat qilamiz!

IDP IELTS in Uzbekistan

4.4K views09:39
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2022-04-11 12:39:42
Types of graphs

3.7K views09:39
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2022-04-11 06:02:01 #6_minute_english

4.0K views03:02
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2022-04-10 18:00:30
35 IELTS Speaking PHRASES You Must Know | Band 8 Vocabulary

#Speaking #vocabulary

4.6K views15:00
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2022-03-02 12:57:59
IELTS Writing bo'yicha vebinar

IELTS imtihonining Writing bo‘limida qiyinchilikka duch kelayotgan, yozish ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirishni istovchi barchani bepul onlayn master-klassga taklif qilamiz!

Vebinar vaqti: 3-mart, soat 11:00

Master-klass tarzida olib boriluvchi ushbu vebinar Zoom platformasida o‘tkaziladi. Ishtirok etish uchun belgilangan vaqtda quyidagi havolaga kiring:

Aloqa uchun: +998781488686

1.7K views09:57
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2022-02-27 14:40:24
Aprel oyi uchun IELTS imtihoni sanalari belgilandi!

Xorijdagi va yurtimizdagi oliygohlar qabuli avj pallasiga chiqadigan mavsum oldidan IELTS imtihonini topshirib olish eng to'g'ri qaror. Aprel oyi esa, bu uchun qulay vaqt!

Ayni paytda siz quyidagi sanalar uchun IELTS imtihoniga roʻyxatdan o‘tishingiz mumkin:

09.04.2022 — Navoiy
09.04.2022 — Buxoro
21.04.2022 — Urganch
21.04.2022 — Farg'ona
23.04.2022 — Urganch
23.04.2022 — Namangan
30.04.2022 — Samarqand

Barchasiga ulgurish uchun hozirdanoq harakat boshlang!

Eslatib o'tamiz, qabul soni cheklangan.

IDP IELTS imtihonlariga sayti yoki @idpregbot telegram boti orqali roʻyxatdan o‘tishingiz mumkin.

3.2K views11:40
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2022-02-26 11:53:01 #стипендия в Австралии для иностранных студентов магистратуры и аспирантуры

Что делать: Певрое, что необходимо сделать — найти научного руководителя. Отдельной заявки на получение стипендии нет. При заполнении заявки на исследовательскую программу, необходимо сделать пометку что студент желает получить стипендию. После подтверждения необходимо связаться с администратором своего факультета, школы или института и потребовать пособие на проживание.

Что требуют:
— Отличное знание английского языка;
— Не иметь квалификации того же или высшего уровня, чем предлагает исследовательская программа, на которую поступает кандидат.

Условия: Стипендия оплачивает стоимость обучения и проживания, а также медицинскую страховку.


3.1K views08:53
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