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​How To Score a 9.0 in IELTS Writing, Part I Promising as the | IELTS Proficiency

How To Score a 9.0 in IELTS Writing, Part I

Promising as the title is, I have a confession to make - my writing score is not a 9.0, or an 8.0 for that matter. It's only 7.0 (I got it twice). This brings me to my next point, which is that I don't mean to teach you anything with this series of posts on writing. Rather these are just notes for myself to follow to improve my writing. But I hope you will find them useful too. Let's get down to it, shall we?

The number one thing to keep in mind when desperate to ace this section of the test is that you should READ more. Yes, you read it right. We usually get too hung up on the idea of producing stuff instead of receiving it. At least for starters, we need to immerse ourselves in the written language before we move on to produce that kind of piece on the same level. There is no way you can be decent at writing, unless you read every single day. Now, a question arises - what should I read? Good question.

Well, there is no limit as to what you should be reading when you want to take your writing to a whole new level because any kind of input is useful, whether that's a fiction or non-fiction read. But for the sake of IELTS Writing, which is considered ACADEMIC WRITING, it's good practice to read non-fiction books such as self-help books. Because the language and style of such books are somewhat similar to IELTS-like essays', they are a good model to emulate. When you expose yourself to the kind of language that you can use in IELTS Writing, you unconsciously pick up the style and chunks of language from the book and start using them in your own writing. Articles are also a great source of ideas and fancy words, but you may not want to copy the style as there is a world of difference between the style of articles and that of IELTS Writing.

On a final note, it's also a great idea to try and summarize what you read because it's one thing to read, and it's quite another to be able to write about what you read.

Wait for Part II of this guide!
