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1.Cess (N)-a tax or levy. कर 2.Levied (V)-impose (a tax, fee, | IMAWITHLOVE

1.Cess (N)-a tax or levy. कर

2.Levied (V)-impose (a tax, fee, or fine). वसूल किया हुआ

3.Hefty (Adj)-large in amount, size, force, etc.

4.Ostensibly (Adv)-apparently, outwardly, seemingly, superficially, supposedly. प्रकट रूप से, स्पष्ट रूप से

5.Locked Horns (Idiom)-to begin to argue or fight.

6.Compensation (N)-payment made as reparation for loss or damage. क्षतिपूर्ति,  मुआवजा

7.Inadvertent (Adj)-done or acting with insufficient attention.

8.Succour (N)-assistance and support in times of hardship and distress. परेशानी में सहायता

9.Pummelled (V)-to cause a lot of damage.

10.Subterfuge (N)-something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity.

11.Deliberation (N)-long and careful consideration or discussion. विचार-विमर्श, समझ बूझ

12.Consolidating (V)-to make or become stronger or more stable. संगठित करना

13.Assessment (N)-evaluation, judgment, estimation, dissection. मूल्यांकन

14.Contentious (Adj)-causing or likely to cause disagreement. विवादास्पद

15.Lay-Off (N)-an act of ending a worker’s job, esp. when the worker has done nothing wrong. निलम्बन

16.Retrenchment (N)-reduction, lessening, trimming, pruning ,cutback, scaling down. छंटनी, घटाव

17.Amalgamating (V)-combine or unite to form one organization or structure.

18.Impetus (N)-stimulation or encouragement resulting in increased activity. प्रोत्साहन

19.Gig (N)-a job usually for a specified time.

20.Conducive (Adj)-making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible. सहायक