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ONGOING PETITIONS – EVERYONE TO SIGN There was huge success | Informed Medical Options Party (IMOP)


There was huge success with the latest No Mandatory COVID petition raising over 300K signatures. But did you know there are many other petitions starting all the time from members of the public? To keep the momentum going, please support and sign them all. Government cannot ignore these petitions if we bombard them with lots of signatures.

For example, if you type the word “vacc” in the search field on the petition website: https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions, you can find 5 petitions all similar to each other in that they are against mandatory or coercive , plus one about the freedom to choose alternative treatments.

All 6 have just been created in the past couple of days and we are asking EVERYONE TO SIGN ALL OF THEM. They are:

* Criminalise coercion towards COVID -19 medical intervention, procedure or treatment -

* No Mandatory COVID for Aged Care Workers - 2 petitions
https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN2901 and

* Stop the experimental COVID19 vaccines without "informed consent" -

* NO Mandatory Vaccine (of ANY kind) in any HUMAN (Sect51/XX111a Australian Constitution) - https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN2849

* Alternate treatment options for Covid 19 -