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#IDIOMS_And_PHRASES (1)To be at sixes and sevens-A state of t | Indian Airforce | Airmen X Y Group ™


(1)To be at sixes and sevens-A state of total confusion and disorder

(2)To break the ice- To break the awkward silence

(3)To put one's foot down- To be firm about something

(4)Backstairs influence-Influence exerted secretely

(5)Long in the tooth- Rather old

(6)A brazen faced fellow- Impudent fellow

(7)To see pink elephants- To have hallucination due to excessive alcoholic intake

(8)Elbow room-To give enough space to move or work in

(9)French leave- Leave without permission

(10)To commit to memory- To learn by heart

(11)To burn a hole in the pocket- Money that is spent quickly

(12)To bury the hatchet- To make peace

(13)To beggar discription- Something beyond discription

(14)To beat the air- Efforts that are vain or useless

(15)To provide against a rainy day- To provide for a possible future, in time of difficulty or need