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​​ Lightning. Globalists start the planned war! The confli | Insider Amigo

​​ Lightning. Globalists start the planned war!

The conflict between Israel and Palestine is a well-planned special operation. It all started from the moment when Arab families were evicted from their homes on the outskirts of Jerusalem by court order, further provocations in the Al Aqsa mosque. And now there is no doubt that all this has a pre-prepared plot to unleash another war in the Middle East.Hamas fired more than 700 missiles at Israel, some of them reached their targets, in response Israel is striking the Gaza Strip. There are many casualties and injuries on both sides. The Iron Dome, despite its success, does not fully defend Israel. Rockets pierced its defenses, causing material damage and there are civilian casualties.
Hamas threatens to use Iranian Sajil long-range ballistic missiles if “Zionist forces do not withdraw from Jerusalem.The Sajil is a medium-range ballistic missile. And here, of course, the damage will be greater regardless of the effectiveness of the Iron Dome. 80 Israeli Air Force planes are currently taking part in a large-scale operation to strike targets in Gaza.UN special envoy for the Middle East warns Israel that Hamas is "heading for full-scale war."
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