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#remote #project #freelance #hiring #outstaff #subcontract #AQ | iT-Outstaffing.com Remote Projects

#remote #project #freelance #hiring #outstaff #subcontract #AQA #Mobile #Java #Kotlin

Looking for Senior AQA (Mobile / Java) Engineer

Candidate should be located in Poland

Good English is a must

We offer:
Full-time project on a remote basis
Interesting long-term project (4 months + possible extension)
Start ASAP after approval
Interviews: 1) Technical Interview; 2) Call with the Delivery Manager

Worthy reward based on your skills and experience!

For details and apply please contact me via:
Skype: live:.cid.d737d5d55585552d
Email: aa@it-outstaffing.com
Telegram: @a_rtischeva

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