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“Divine feminine” comes out of Babylon & Semiramis. If you th | Jarrin Jackson

“Divine feminine” comes out of Babylon & Semiramis.

If you think I hate women, then your brain sucks (and you’re probably under a feminist spell).

God made BOTH male and female.

His order is masculine. That does not mean men are better than women.

Men and women are distinct. Different purposes.

To say ‘divine feminine’ is to attack the mystery religions - dating back to worshipping Semiramis.

It has nothing yo do with thinking women are less than men.

Please use your brains.

I’m tempted to make an argument against feminism disabling logical thought, but I will use self-control.

Lucifer hates God’s order; it follow, therefore, that he’d use the opposite of God’s order to try to destroy God.

Today’s “peace and safety” culture is feminine.

It is not masculine to focus on peace and safety.

It is feminine.

This is not insulting women. It is insulting the spirit of this age.

If you think the ‘divine feminine’ is good, then you don’t have a Biblical view.

The divine male/female is a godless concept.

The Bible is clear.

Believe the Bible.

Get right thinking.