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Self-righteousness I struggle with ego & pride. Not in a ‘I’ | Jarrin Jackson


I struggle with ego & pride.

Not in a ‘I’m better than you’ way - I’m well aware of my shortcomings & if people knew what went on in my head, then they’d know that Jarrin is a horrible person - but more of a ‘I don’t want that person to keep making that mistake’ kind of way.

So, it’s a fine nuance.

I don’t think I’m better than others.

I do want others to stop living in sin.

And therein lies the risk to speaking about things.

The first risk is that the haters will take this post and have it affirm their judgment against me - “See, Jarrin just admitted he’s an arrogant religious bigot.”

The second risk is people will remember this post in future instances if I say anything that pricks their pride - “Jarrin just offended me, but it’s not because he’s right - it’s because he’s self-righteous.”

The third risk is telling people I’m a horrible person - as though my not being a horrible person is the qualification needed for people’s attention.

This post is prompted by yesterday’s posts on sexual sin.

Every time I post about the dangers of that sin, the knives come out and people leave.

This platform is, as Rush would say, on loan from God.

I tend it for Him, which is why I’m writing a post admitting that I struggle with pride.

But Jarrin admitting his sin does not lessen the sin of others - just means Jesus Christ paid a MASSIVE debt on the cross.

Sexual sin is the trap of this generation. It is the reason why our families are broken. It is why society spirals downward.

We take our temples for granted and we worship ourselves.

The enemy is coming for our children.

I intend to stop them.

And I’m ready to stand alone with my wife if necessary.

But I believe there are people who will weigh my offensive words against reality.

And I believe there will be some who can see past my error to find truth in Jesus Christ.

And then those people will want to go to war against the same enemies.


Now, go to war.