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Been thinking about geopolitics: China is doing BRI. America | Jarrin Jackson

Been thinking about geopolitics:

China is doing BRI.

America has no grand strategy to answer the threat.

My guess is that CIA assets are developing strike opportunities inside Asia to destabilize China and force it to commit forces - dusting off Cold War era tactics.

Yes, I believe the MIC is bad, but I also believe the MIC needs an America lest it wither and die.

MIC = military industrial complex

Big Pharma requires open trade with China because its pharmaceuticals are manufactured there, so that pits Pharma against the MIC.

China will likely invade Taiwan. Russia will likely take more of Ukraine.

That forces the US to either step back (and down) as global police or do something to counter/thwart.

This may be highlighting human rights violations to stir Americans’ anger against them, but that dares uniting We The People against an external enemy, which would give our government politicians the godless commies don’t want (is Trump).

So our enemy has some tough decisions:

1. Lose the MIC for good; turn military back over to its Constitutional role

2. Lose Big Pharma in exchange for MIC destabilizing China’s BRI

3. Trigger global conflict a la WW2 to reset things

4. Keep up Omicron charade as global protests show people are aware

In any case, #LiveLocal is your best option. Secure food supply, localize supply chains, build local teams for resilience, and end dependency (take leverage away from) from foreign entities & manipulative government agencies