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Yes that's all in the song. Maybe you need to listen to the ly | Jason Christoff Self Sabotage Coach

Yes that's all in the song. Maybe you need to listen to the lyrics again. The words "die" or "died" are mentioned in the song 19 times and it's shown in mind control experiments that you only need 2 repetitions of a concept, theme or pattern to change a person's behavior or to cast a spell over them. How many people sing this song over and over again, casting a spell out into themselves, into others and into the electrical field.......without knowing what they're really singing, saying or doing? Are you being tricked to destroy yourself through food, drink, chemicals, song, action, behavior and thought? Wouldn't it be the easiest and most clever way to win a war......by tricking your enemy to destroy themselves? Have you ever considered that evil (as a force) is organizing this spell casting? Maybe it's time to take a second look at things, as today people are literally programmed to wait in line to destroy themselves with every toxin under the sun. Can our media be broadcasting an evil spell through sight and sound to trick us into ending our own lives, happiness and connection?

That's what black magic mind control is all about. Have you noticed Don McLean's one eye is covered up on his album cover, which is a symbol for a form of blindless that doesn't give a person "depth perception"....which means they can't see into things deeply because they only have 1 eye. Do you notice the flag on Don McClean's thumb, that the red appears dripping down like blood a bit? Not entirely but a bit. Are you aware that the star is an upside-down star if you turn his thumb the right way for the flag? A star pointed downward is a pentagram, the ceremonial star of Satan. The message here is to know that no one really understands exactly what's going on here (including me) but you also need to know that nothing you're being told by mainstream institutions is exposing our true reality in anyway.