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95% of Lotto Winners Go Broke. - Here's Why - Financial Self S | Jason Christoff Self Sabotage Coach

95% of Lotto Winners Go Broke. - Here's Why - Financial Self Sabotage

I've discussed self sabotage around money many times on this page. The factor to consider regarding the fact that approximately 95% of lotto winners become bankrupt (regardless of jackpot won).....is that becoming rich puts you into a very small group of people, compared to being broke or poor. In the realm of self sabotage.......SIZE MATTERS.

The bigger the group, the safer a very primitive part of your mind feels. The smaller the group, the more unsafe that primitive part of the mind feels. This very primitive part of the mind (the subconscious), if not fully understood and if not put on a very short mental leash, will destroy everything great in our lives........in an attempt to scurry back down the happiness ladder, in order to hang out with the bigger groups in our society. Again the bigger group is the underachieving, less than average, TV watching, wine drinking, soulless job, smiling depressive, gov-love, addicted group who needs the handrails and bubble wrap of life to feel safe, warm and cozy. The smaller group is the independent, healthy, active, personal leadership style group who won't take the scarps of the king's table in life. Although living in the big group is miserable, depressing and a fate worse than death.....most people can't leave their miserable jail cell because they simply feel safer in the bigger herd. In short, if we don't take our proper rite of passage from child to adult, the child mind stays overactive and rules our days, as we try to find safety where there's no safety to ever be found. This isn't even a courage or "commit to a goal" issue in most cases, it's a programming issue. If we're programmed in the child way of the mind, we're just like that dumb fly in your house that keeps trying to get outside through the glass window. We end up banging our head against that window until we drop dead, never knowing there was an open window or door just around the corner.

So although losing all those lotto millions will make anyone extremely unhappy (inside the conscious mind).......the subconscious mind absolutely loves losing all the millions because it means the self saboteur gets to once again call the bigger group home. The subconscious mind runs 93-97% of our behavior for us, outside our conscious awareness. Rich people stay rich (even though it's a smaller group) because they develop the courage to face their fears and then fight to stay in the smaller group anyway, even though there's something about it that scares them to do so. All our minds are the same and that same mind comes as standard equipment in each human body. The difference between successful and unsuccessful, independent and dependent or overweight and in shape etc etc......is understanding this part of my our mind (the subconscious) who follows the herd.....even if the herd is walking right off the cliff. I teach all these principles and solutions in my online International Overcoming Self Sabotage Coaching School. Maybe you want to start a new business as a Certified Self Sabotage Coach, so you can help yourself and help the world heal form illogical and irrational behavior. For more information, maybe visit this page https://bit.ly/3MmCBaJ or contact "support@freedomfromselfsabotage.com" to talk to a real human about coming in for our 7th semester.