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Raising The Dead and Black Magic In Our Modern Society What | Jason Christoff Self Sabotage Coach

Raising The Dead and Black Magic In Our Modern Society

What do you need to raise the dead? Well, if you watched any of the Frankenstein movies as a child, all you really need is dead material or parts.....and some electricity. Could anything like this be happening in our society today? Well, as usual, reality is stranger than fiction.

Let's take a quick look at corporations otherwise known as ghost or shell companies to some, because they aren't legally treated as being housed by living entities. The word corporation is based on the word "corpse", which is a dead body. Corporations are governed by laws that are separate from the laws that govern living persons. In order to bring the dead CORPoration to life you need electricity and in this case that electricity is the life force of the citizens themselves in the form of currency. Now currency (current) is an electrical term that provides the cash flow toward the dead, in order to bring the dead to life. The larger the corporation grows, the more electricity it needs from the people. What is also odd is that metals like gold are the most electrically conductive material for electrical current. In our past (and even modern time), gold was used as the primary currency. Silver is also highly electrically conductive and silver of course was (and is) still used as currency today as well. Gold and silver have been removed as official currency only in the last 50 years, which means the only thing left on the planet to conduct the electricity or life force TO THE DEAD CORPorations is you, the people.....through what you call money. You are now the electrical source for raising the dead. Let me explain.

The one who controls the flow of electricity inside a corporation (a dead entity) is said to be the person in charge or the person who has most of the power. Both "charge" and "power" are electrical terms. It's all electrical. We live in an electrical Universe, based on vibration and charge.

What's happening today can historically be referred to as The Rise of The Quilpoth, which means the raising of the dead or when evil spirits walk among the living inside a shell. This is why corporations are often called SHELL companies, because they house the dead. Again, in order to raise the dead, you need electrical current or the charge of life, which comes from the people themselves. Money is a word that actually means "the one and only electricity". Mon is an ancient term for moon (which means "one" or "the lonely one", because there is only one moon) and "ey" or "e" means electricity, the 5th element, the ether or the magic needed to raise the dead or give life in the material world. The dead spirits of this world invented money in order to capture your electricity (value or work force), in order to direct that current to raising more of the dead. This process of stealing your life force electricity first started small with taking 10, 20, 30 or 40 percent of your currency to raise the dead........and now they want it all. This is the ancient premise behind "you will own nothing and be happy". They want all your money, all your charge, all your power, all your currency, all your life force, all your electricity, all your battery....in order to raise the dead and give life to the dead.

Government is also a corporation and so is The WHO, The WEF, Costco, Walmart etc. These dead entities can only survive by draining the life out of the living and into the dead, through the currency we call money. This is The Rise of The Quilpoth (pronounced KILL-O-PATH for a reason) talked about throughout ancient history, where dead spirits house themselves inside a shell to enter the realm of the living. These dead entities want to keep growing in order to dominate the landscape and this is why those entities have hatched plans to literally suck the living dry of all their electricity/money.